Have Ye Not Read?

#1090 – July 8, 2018

Our Lord Jesus Christ is an example to us in many ways. As his servants, we have no greater honor than to become more and more like him. This teaching examines the reverence our Lord had for the Scriptures and how that played out in his earthly life and ministry. We can imitate him in having hearts that stand in awe of God’s Word. [Josh Thomas]

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Verses referenced:

Isaiah 66:1
Isaiah 66:2
Psalms 119:161
Matthew 10:25
John 17:17
Matthew 19:3
Matthew 19:4
Matthew 19:5
Matthew 19:6
Luke 2:40
Luke 2:41
Luke 2:42
Luke 2:43
Luke 2:44
Luke 2:45
Luke 2:46
Luke 2:47
Luke 2:52
Luke 2:48
Luke 2:49
Matthew 12:1
Matthew 12:2
Matthew 12:3
Matthew 12:4
Matthew 12:5
Matthew 12:6
Matthew 12:7
Matthew 21:12
Matthew 21:13
Matthew 21:14
Matthew 21:15
Matthew 21:16
Matthew 21:42
Matthew 22:29
Matthew 22:30
Matthew 22:31
Matthew 22:32