Aquila and Priscilla

#361 – May 9, 2004

The testimony of God’s Word calls each of us, individually, to an active and satisfying function serving in the Body of Christ. Married couples, too, can trust God to serve in this body, functioning together as one, as they minister using what God has given. Aquila and Priscilla stand as examples of obeying and trusting God as a married couple — they moved as one, ministering God’s Word and serving God’s people. [Tom Burke]

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Verses referenced:

Acts 18:1
Acts 18:2
Acts 18:3
Acts 18:4
Acts 18:5
Acts 18:6
Acts 18:7
Acts 18:8
Acts 18:9
Acts 18:11
Acts 18:12
Acts 18:13
Acts 18:14
Acts 18:15
Acts 18:16
Acts 18:17
Acts 18:18
Acts 18:19
Acts 18:20
Acts 18:21
Acts 18:22
Acts 18:23
Acts 18:24
Acts 18:25
Acts 18:26
Acts 18:27
1 Corinthians 16:19
Romans 16:3
Romans 16:4
Romans 12:1
Romans 12:2
Romans 16:3
Romans 16:4
Romans 16:5
2 Timothy 4:19