Devotion and Loyalty (Old Testament 10)

#920 – March 15, 2015

Continuing in our series on the Old Testament, we saw that Ruth took place during the time of the judges. The story and life of Ruth, a Gentile woman from Moab, is a great example of trusting God. Boaz, the near kinsman to her mother-in-law, Naomi, chose to be the kinsman redeemer for Ruth and Naomi, thus protecting the name and the land that belonged to the family of Elimelech. We looked briefly at the law regarding the land and a kinsman redeemer. Boaz and Ruth had a son, Obed, who is the grandfather of David. Ruth is one of four women listed in the genealogy of the Messiah. Ruth’s devotion and loyalty to her mother-in-law and to God stand in stark contrast to the children of Israel at this time, who were continually turning away from the one true God to idolatry. [Cathy Burke]

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Verses referenced:

Judges 17:6
Matthew 1:1
Matthew 1:2
Matthew 1:3
Matthew 1:4
Matthew 1:5
Ruth 1:1
Judges 6:1
Judges 6:2
Judges 6:3
Judges 6:4
Judges 6:5
Judges 6:6
Ruth 1:2
Ruth 1:3
Ruth 1:4
Deuteronomy 23:3
Ruth 1:5
Ruth 1:6
Ruth 1:7
Ruth 1:8
Ruth 1:9
Ruth 1:10
Ruth 1:11
Deuteronomy 25:5
Ruth 1:12
Ruth 1:13
Ruth 1:14
Ruth 1:15
Ruth 1:16
Ruth 1:17
Ruth 1:18
Ruth 1:19
Ruth 1:20
Ruth 1:21
Ruth 1:22
Ruth 2:1
Ruth 2:2
Deuteronomy 24:19
Deuteronomy 24:20
Deuteronomy 24:21
Leviticus 19:9
Leviticus 19:10
Ruth 2:4
Ruth 2:5
Ruth 2:6
Ruth 2:7
Ruth 2:8
Ruth 2:9
Ruth 2:10
Ruth 2:11
Ruth 2:12
Ruth 2:11
Ruth 2:12
Ruth 2:20
Ruth 2:21
Ruth 2:23
Leviticus 25:25
Ruth 3:1
Ruth 4:1
Ruth 4:2
Ruth 4:3
Ruth 4:4
Ruth 4:5
Ruth 4:6
Ruth 4:7
Ruth 4:8
Ruth 4:9
Ruth 4:10
Ruth 4:11
Ruth 4:12
Ruth 4:13
Ruth 4:14
Ruth 4:15
Ruth 4:16
Ruth 4:17
Ruth 4:18
Ruth 4:19
Ruth 4:20
Ruth 4:21
Ruth 4:22