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Love in the Church

#1066 – January 21, 2018

The believer in Christ is a new creation. As we walk in the spirit, the reality of that new creation becomes manifested in our lives. The great, predominate quality of the “new creation life,” which this teaching examines, is love one for another. [Tom Burke]


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Verses referenced:

James 5:16
Romans 12:1
Romans 12:2
Romans 12:3
Ephesians 4:1
Galatians 5:16
Galatians 5:17
Galatians 5:18
Galatians 5:19
Galatians 5:20
Galatians 5:21
Galatians 5:22
Galatians 5:23
John 13:34
John 13:35
Romans 13:8
Romans 13:9
Romans 13:10
Romans 14:1
Romans 14:2
Romans 14:3
Romans 14:4
Romans 14:5
Romans 14:6
Romans 14:7
Romans 14:8
Romans 14:9
Romans 14:10
Romans 14:11
Romans 14:12
Romans 14:19