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Cutting Ties

#1243 – August 22, 2021

As we grow up into Christ, we become aware of habits and practices that need to be eliminated. This will never be accomplished by fleshly self-discipline. Rather, we must grow in both the fear of the LORD and a love for Him. As we do, it becomes easier and easier to jettison those things that keep us from Him. [Tom Burke]

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Verses referenced:

Galatians 5:3
Galatians 5:4
Matthew 23:23
Matthew 23:24
Matthew 23:25
Matthew 23:26
Matthew 23:27
Matthew 23:28
Galatians 5:6
Proverbs 8:13
Psalms 97:10
Joshua 15:20
Joshua 15:21
Joshua 15:63
Joshua 17:11
Joshua 17:12
Joshua 17:13
Judges 1:17
Judges 1:18
Judges 1:19
Joshua 14:6
Joshua 14:7
Joshua 14:8
Joshua 14:9
Joshua 14:10
Joshua 14:11
Joshua 14:12
Joshua 14:13
Psalms 119:128
1 John 2:15
1 John 2:16
1 John 2:17