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Happy in God (Old Testament 16)

#934 – June 21, 2015

Even in a fallen world, the life of one of God’s people can and should be one of happiness. The Book of Psalms testifies to this truth over and over. Many people in the world pursue happiness at all costs and never find it. Ironically, without even pursuing it directly, the person who pursues God with all their heart finds fullness of joy, happiness and satisfaction in God. If any of the things of God seem dull or a burden (and God is indeed still active in these things), it is likely that a low view of God is the problem. [Josh Thomas]


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Verses referenced:

Psalms 1:1
Psalms 1:2
Psalms 1:3
Psalms 1:4
Psalms 1:5
Psalms 1:6
Psalms 32:1
Psalms 32:2
Psalms 33:12
Psalms 34:8
Psalms 65:4
Psalms 94:12
Psalms 128:1
Psalms 146:5
Psalms 119:1
Psalms 119:2
Psalms 1:2
Psalms 16:1
Psalms 16:2
Psalms 16:3
Psalms 16:4
Psalms 16:5
Psalms 16:6
Psalms 16:7
Psalms 16:8
Psalms 16:9
Psalms 16:10
Psalms 16:11
Psalms 63:1
Psalms 63:2
Psalms 63:3
Psalms 63:4
Psalms 63:5
Psalms 63:6
Psalms 42:1
Psalms 42:2
Psalms 42:3
Psalms 42:4
Psalms 42:5